So you want to travel the world. I get it. It's always been one of my biggest dreams, too. But for so many years of my life I hardly did any travelling at all. Why? Because I had no money. No, correction: I didn't make the right priorities with my money to make it happen. Because it really is about priorities. If you want something bad enough, you find a way to make it happen. No excuses. "If you're interested in something, you think about it. If you really want something, you make it a priority." There are so many "holes" in our everyday life to put our money into. Sure, we need to take care of our regular expenses, like rent, electricity, food, insurance... but then what? Isn't it true that much of what we spend our money on are things we don't really need? That take-away coffee you buy on your way to work every morning ... or the lunch you buy in the cantina every day ... or that pack of sigarettes that are really no good for you ... heck, even the monthly subscription on your local newspaper could probably be cancelled, since you hardly ever read the paper anyway! Right? If you have a job and are not self-employed in some way, there's only so much money coming into your bank account every month, and this money is supposed to cover all your day-to-day expenses for 4 full weeks. For many of us, we only just about break even. When our monthly expenses have been paid, there's little or nothing left to spend on all the things we really want in life, like travel. And if you're single, like me, you don't have anyone else to share your expenses with, either, so you just have to manage on that one salary that you earn. Of course, you're grateful that you even have a job, right? But let's be honest: The nine-to-five doesn't allow any luxury, and therefor many of us hardly ever travel. Because that's how we've been taught to see it: Travel is a luxury. It has to wait "until we can afford it". Guess what: We couldn't be more wrong! I've actually had an epiphany on this. Travel isn't a luxury. It's a necessity. In fact: Travel is education. It's the single most educational experience you could ever have. Period. And we've always been told to get ourselves a good education, haven't we? Problem is that the educational system that we have in our western society doesn't teach us the things we really need. Things like how to live a good life or how to live in peace with each other on this planet ... things like how to take care of our mental health and how to achieve abundance in every way ... Instead, we've been taught that we shouldn't strive for more, and definitely not more money. "It ain't right. It ain't good. It ain't proper," like Prudy in the wonderful British Period drama "Poldark" would've put it. But I say it is. It is good. It is right. It is proper. Because with money we can do a lot of good. Money gives us freedom. And money makes it possible to travel and to educate ourselves. Travel teaches us things about the world that we won't learn from any history book. Not to mention all the things that travel teaches us about ourselves. Picture above: From Hewler (Erbil) in Kurdistan, Iraq. One of my greatest educational experiences was travelling to Kurdistan in Iraq for the first time. I feel privilegded to have been there, not only once, but twice (so far). It has changed my life forever. And I'm definitely going back. The greatest friendships of my life are with my Kurdish friends. But travelling to Kurdistan can be expensive, and my single person's salary wouldn't take me far, unless I do something about it.... How to find the money to travel on a regular basis So what do I do to find money for travels to far-off lands? Well, "find" is probably not the most accurate term to use here. It's more about money management. Because it's not really about how little or how much money you have. It's all about how you manage that money. That's what I've learned, and it's changed the way I look at things. It's changed the way I think about what's possible in my life. It's changed my view on travel: That it's not a luxury. It's totally doable! If I manage my money well, travelling to Kurdistan more often is not such an impossible goal after all. It's all about putting my money into a system that works for me. And for it to work for me, it needs to be easy, and it needs to be fun. Seriously. Nothing else will do. And I have that system! What I'm talking about is a system that's been known to millionaires for ages. Heck, it's probably the reason why they are millionaires! And yet it's nothing complicated. Anyone can use it. Ordinary people like you and me can start using it today, and if you stick with it, you will experience big changes in your finances within a short period of time. But you need to stick with it. If I teach you the system and you don't implement what you learn, it's useless. That's a no-brainer, right? I stumbled upon this system on the Internet a few years ago, when I felt that I was in what I'd call a financial swamp. I was rather desperate to change my situation around, and when I came across a couple of money mentors that had some really good advice to offer on how to turn my situation around, I grabbed it with both hands, so to speak. And lately I've turned the advice into a program of my own, called "Fun & Easy Money Managing For Female Life Designers". (I've even made a version of the program for those of you who are males, just to make sure you get the message: "Financial Freedom Money Management System For Future Millionaires".) But I'll share the idea of the system with you right here and now, for nothing. I'm not going to let you "hang from a cliff" here, left with only promises of a good life and nothing on how to actually make it happen. That's not how I do things. But please understand that the full details of my program can (for obvious reasons) not be shared here. Even though it's not complicated, it needs some explanation as to WHY you should do things in this particular way, and so on. There's also some work to be done on your part to make sure you have full control of your finances in the long run. But all that is better explained in my program(s). Righ here, right now, here's the simple outline of how you can find the money to travel more: The 4 easy steps to manage your money Step # 1: Understand why you need to become financially free, and why you need a money managing system to actually make it happen (My program(s) will teach you about this.) Step # 2: Get clarity about your finances. (My program(s) will teach you in more details how to do this.) Step # 3: Learn how to set up a fun & easy money managing system - and here's the outline of that: Divide your monthly income into 6 different accounts. These are: 1) FF Account (Financial Freedom): 10 % of your income should go here. 2) LTS Account (Long Term Savings Account): 10 % of your income should go here. 3) L&G Account (Learn & Grow Account): 10 % of your income should go here. 4) DLE Account (Daily Living Expenses Account): 55 % of your income should go here. 5) P&P Account (Play & Pleasure Account): 10 % of your income should go here. 6) CTS Account (Contribution To Society Account): 5 % of your income should go here. To explain it a little bit: The FF Account is your "Golden Nest Egg". It's the account that will - if you give it time and don't touch the money you put in there - give you financial freedom (hence the name). The LTS Account is where you save money "for a rainy day". If you're in debt, you use this account to pay off more on your debt each month, to get rid of it more quickly. If you're not in debt, use it as a normal savings account. The L&G Account is the account where you put money that you'll use for your own growth, either to buy books, an educational program, or spend money on a coach or mentor that can help you achieve what you want in life. The reason you should have a special account for this, is that you'll probably spend money on these things anyways, and it's better to have control over it and know what you can spend. And remember: Travel is the best education you can get, so using this account to save up for travel is perfect! The DLE Account is where you put aside money for your daily living expenses, like rent, electricity, insurance, etc. If you find that 55 % doesn't cover your expenses, you can adjust it a bit, for instance up to 60 % of your income. But then you need to adjust one or more other accounts accordingly, like setting your L&G Account to 5 % instead of 10. The P&P Account is where you put money to spend on pleasure, like going to the movies or a restaurant or some other thing that you enjoy doing. Because life can't be just work and no play, so you'll be better off if you put aside money for pleasure on a regular basis. Of course you don't have to spend this money every month, - you can save it for something special, - like travel! The CTS Account is something you can decide whether you'll want or not, but I suggest you have an account like this, because giving back to society in some way, either by donating money to a cause or your favorite charity, can be very rewarding. If you choose not to have this, put that money into your L&G- or P&P Account instead. And remember: No matter what you do: Don't touch your FF Acccount! Let it grow! Well, this was the system, in all its simplicity. Now to the important .... Step # 3: Start implementing the system in your daily life! .When you start using this system, you'll discover in a relatively short time that your finances will improve. You'll discover that finding money to travel more is actually quite easy, because you'll be putting money away for that purpose on a regular basis, not just "when you can afford it".
This system has been a blessing in my life, and I hope that it will be in yours, too. That's why I want as many as possible to know about it, and that's why I decided to write about it on my blog today. I hope this blog post has been of value to you. If so, I'd be happy if you'd share it with others! Please feel free to leave a comment below, and I hope you'll follow me and maybe even sign up for my newsletter. If you want to learn more about the program I've mentioned above and fully understand WHY you should have it in your life, I welcome you to click on this link and make sure you get the program today (for the male version, click here). It comes with a full One Year Money Back Guarantee, and also a chance to win a vacation of your own choice worth $2000! So there's absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain by purchasing the programs! See you soon!
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AuthorHi, I'm Else Kosberg, a Norwegian woman who is passionate about travel, languages, photography & filming, and learning about other people and cultures. I'm a writer, motivational speaker and broadcaster who wants to empower others (and especially women) to live unapologetically on their own terms. I will forever be a Warrior for peace, love and understanding across the borders, and with this blog I hope to inspire, motivate and empower YOU to start exploring the world and maybe follow the roads less traveled. Archives
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